Whelp here we are in June 2024. Half the year is here! WOW!
We are we?
To be honest me and Crosshair have been busy, working, family and dealing with life.
Are we playing any games? YES
In a nutshell, I am still playing Satisfactory. Crosshair is playing Empyrion – Galactic Survival and he loves it!
Anything NEW? YES
Both of us invested in THE CRUST – Rocket became part of the Alpha team testing and Crosshair became part of the Beta team, whcih has not been released at this time. Alpha has had some issues and bugs biy is being worked out each day. Sometime this month, beta shoudl be released though it might be pushed more to July 2024.
That’s about it folks. Simple lives or us doing our thang and playing games here. We did bring on a few members though no one has really been active at this moment. No sweat. We ARE NOT going anywhere. GamerHookup is here for th elong haul.
Till next time folks. Play Hard but take a deep breath and enjoy life for a moment too.